Letter to Middle School Rosa

Dear Middle School Rosa,

I have some very exciting news for you today. Future you (present me) will be seeing Green Day on March 10th, 2017. I know that may seem VERY far away for you now, but the wait is the best part. Waiting for a concert for months and months is by far what you want. Even though you will have only see One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer in the 3 years you will have spent in middle school, there will be more to come. (more…)

Weird Dreams I’ve Had 

So I was listening to a “dreamcast”, which is a podcast where people talk about their dreams, so I thought I would share some that I can remember.

I don’t ever remember my dreams. Ever. It’s a very rare occasion for me to actually remember something. Although, I have very weird YEARS ago that I can still remember. Very weird, and kinda freaky. (more…)